Basic Needs Programs

Examining Food Insecurity in the North Suburbs (Jan 2021)

Nine North is jumping into the community conversation on timely subject matter that has been magnified because of the pandemic.

Today we examine food insecurity in the north suburbs. 1 in 9 Minnesotans do not know where their next meal will come from. It affects everyone from children to seniors.

We have joined three experts in the field to learn how this impacts our local community, what local organizations are doing, and how you can help.

Panelists include:

CHRISTINE WEBER – Summer Program Manager, Every Meal

THERESA McCORMICK – Director of Programs & Healthcare Partnerships, Second Harvest Heartland

KRIS ROSSOW – Roseville Area Senior Program Coordinator, Meals on Wheels

KATHY RAMUNDT – Moderator, Do Good Roseville

Homelessness in the Suburbs (Feb 2021)

In the news we see many stories of the homeless encampments in Minneapolis and St. Paul but those are just part of the story.   Homelessness actually refers to a condition wherein people lack “a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” as defined by The McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

We have joined three experts in the field to learn how this impacts our local community, what local organizations are doing, and how you can help.

Today’s program is a perfect example of ways we can learn more about our neighbors and resources in the community.  We will see how homelessness has been impacted by the pandemic.

Panelists include:

LONI AADALEN – Continuum Care Coordinator, Heading Home Ramsey (unable to appear due to conflict)

MICHELLE GERRARD –  Senior Research Mgr. & Dir. MN Homeless Study, Wilder Research

MICHAEL STANEFSKI – Lead Social Worker, Roseville School District 623

KATHY RAMUNDT – Moderator, Do Good Roseville

Aging with Gusto

Our attitudes about aging have an impact on our quality of life, physical and mental health and even longevity.

This series of three sessions from the Vital Aging Network ( engages you to examine your views on aging. Together we will build a more positive and accurate narrative of what it means to age.

This program was funded by B-Dale Club.

Stories We Leave Behind (Nov 2018)

Laura Gilbert, author of The Stories We Leave Behind,

provides a creative, personal approach to dealing with the stuff you may have acquired that the next generation does not want. Rather than asking what you can live without, you will ask “How do I want to be remembered?” and then consider what tells those stories. In the process, you will learn core concepts and techniques to preserve your best stories and avoid a messy cleanup for loved ones. We will discuss how we got here, why dealing with our stuff is so hard, common roadblocks to action, and suggestions to work through them. Learn to apply new techniques to your own situation so you can embrace your space for the life you want now. 

Presented in partnership with Do Good Roseville. Funding for this program is provided by the Friends of the Ramsey County Libraries.

Let’s Talk About Death Series

This is a two-part series: Let’s Talk About Death, where we explore new thinking around death and end-of-life care.

Demystifying Hospice Care (Sept 2019)

We started our series by covering the often-misunderstood topic of hospice. The panelists from the hospice care community discussed the basics and misconceptions around hospice and how families can benefit from this comfort care.

Celebrations and Transitions – or Meet a Death Doula (

In this session, we learned about the new work of Death Doulas, trained but non-medical professionals who provides physical, emotional and spiritual support at the end of life. Death Doula Jane Whitlock provided a variety of supportive services to families who are facing death of a loved one, including creating family rituals, legacy planning, personalized memorials and celebrations, and how to make this transitional meaningful and personal.